What our successful talent has to say

Aire Sirvaitis

IMTA opened new doors for endless possibilities in my career. It was a giant stepping-stone to the national and international market for me.
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Aire Sirvaitis

"IMTA opened new doors for endless possibilities in my career. It was a giant stepping-stone to the national and international market for me. It is nearly impossible to succeed in the entertainment industry without representation, and IMTA is the best source of agents and managers who are looking for new talent. After leaving New York City, I knew that this is the career I was meant to pursue."

Grayson Gettys

Since competing at IMTA in 2009, I have been working in Paris and Milan and am based here in New York with Wilhelmina.
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Grayson Gettys

"Since competing at IMTA in 2009, I have been working in Paris and Milan and am based here in New York with Wilhelmina. It's an amazing opportunity, that’s the best way I can say it. It was really exciting being on the runway, all eyes on you. IMTA is an experience like no other. Everything about it is amazing."

Isabella Jiang

IMTA was a great experience for me, it sure opened up doors for me towards my career and my dream, and I made so many friends from all around the world and I think that's really amazing, I learned so much both in my career and my life.
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Isabella Jiang

"IMTA was a great experience for me, it sure opened up doors for me towards my career and my dream, and I made so many friends from all around the world and I think that's really amazing, I learned so much both in my career and my life. IMTA was the express train that took me from just-a-dreamer to a-dream-maker. IMTA definitely plays a very important role in my career and it has led me to my dream come true."

Patricia Ashley

By coming to IMTA and meeting so many professionals in the business, it really opened the doors for me and allowed me to be on the Disney channel and Nickelodeon.
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Patricia Ashley

"By coming to IMTA and meeting so many professionals in the business, it really opened the doors for me and allowed me to be on the Disney channel and Nickelodeon."

Catherine Kresge

IMTA really launched my career which is a life-changing experience.
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Catherine Kresge

"IMTA really launched my career which is a life-changing experience."

Brittany Curran

IMTA was the one event that started a whole new chapter in my life.
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Brittany Curran

"IMTA was the one event that started a whole new chapter in my life. You know going into IMTA that it’s a safe environment and it’s a legitimate environment. I met my agent and manager there and they’re fabulous."

Riley Smith

The IMTA has been like family to me, Nancy and everyone who runs this company is amazing.
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Riley Smith

"The IMTA has been like family to me, Nancy and everyone who runs this company is amazing. I have seen a lot of people come out of IMTA and do great things. "

Ashley Greene

I'm so thankful I got the opportunity to be here because there’s so many people and so many opportunities.
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Ashley Greene

"I’m so thankful I got the opportunity to be here because there’s so many people and so many opportunities. I want to come back even if I do make something big out of it!"

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International Modeling & Talent Association